Welcome to the Crosstown Camera Club
Crosstown Camera Club is a great place to view photos, sharpen your skills, share ideas and
socialize with others who share a passion for the art of print or digital photography.
For 30 years, Crosstown Camera has been supporting photographers in their quest for better photographs.
If you have memories to share, email Lori. rwgreen72@gmail.com
Crosstown AI Guidelines See Club Info New Feature - What We See
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Develop and improve photographic techniques
(photo capture and post-processing).
Learn design, emotional impact, storytelling
and other fine-art techniques.
Socialize with other photographers.
View images in the monthly salons
Participate in monthly digital and print salons critiqued by experienced judges.
Gain photography-related insights
from guest speakers at monthly programs.
Join members on photography field trips.
Guests are welcome.
To attend, send a request by email to:
To join, click Membership CCC
Meetings are held on the third Thursday of
the month from September through May.
Christ Presbyterian Church
6901 Normandale Road
Edina, MN 55435
The meetings include a digital or print salon competition and a speech by a professional photographer.